Sunday 29 July 2012

Rocket Piano Review

Rocket  Piano  Review- Make  Your  Own  Music

If you are learning the piano, either as a beginner or as a slightly more advanced player, you can appreciate how frustrating it is learning the skills and techniques without seeing any noticeable results. The time and effort that many put into exercises don’t seem to be reflected in their standard of playing. There also seems to be a frustration in the lack of quality information on the market.

  The Piano Guy and the team at Rocket Piano have bucked the trend with the latest developments to the Rocket Piano brand. They have had considerable success with their 3 book series,
Learn to Play the Piano withRocket Piano – the Ultimate Piano Learning Kit. Given the positive feedback from the success of this package, the team decided to develop the product further, and have come up with a package that is unrivalled in terms of quality and its comprehensive nature. This package truly does enable piano students to accelerate their learning, and includes an impressive array of features.

   In addition to the quality information in the glossy 3 book series, the team at Rocket Piano has included hundreds of sound files that explain how to play, so you can hear what your playing is supposed to sound like. The songs are broken down into pieces, which enables the student to learn each piece before they are ready to tackle the whole song. Being able to play these songs will amaze friends and acquaintances alike, and this is made easy through the hundreds of lines of music included for your benefit.

   In addition to this, the team have spent hours developing exclusive educational computer games to develop your skills in reading and training your ear to transcribe music. The pro version of Jayde Musica is now available as a free bonus as well as Perfect Your Pitch Pro, a program that is designed to give the student the ability to tune their ear to recognize notes and transcribe songs from the radio. Both of these programs are very well made and presented, and most of all are easy and fun to play.

   As well as this, when you purchase the package, you get two additional free bonus books. The first is “Advanced Learning Techniques for Piano”. This book introduces the idea of mental visualization, which is a powerful tool in speeding up your rate of learning. Mental visualization uses the same pathways inside your brain other than the fact you are not performing the activity physically. The second bonus book, “How to tune your piano” solves the problem with tuning pianos, and introduces the reader to the most effective way of tuning a piano.
With all of the information in this package there really is no excuse to delay learning to play your piano. The Rocket Piano team has given the reader five high quality books, two fun educational games and access to hundreds of recorded sound files that will have students playing popular songs like a professional in no time.

   As an added bonus, the team at Rocket Piano has also thrown in free email consultations to customers that may have specific issues or problems that need addressing. This is of enormous benefit to students that need specific answers to their training queries.
This package is by far the most complete and fresh approach to piano playing that I have seen in a long time. I highly recommend this product because I do believe it will deliver results and have you playing popular songs like a professional using the most effective techniques. There is something here for every piano player, regardless of ability. And at the current cost, it really is worth every dollar spent!

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